A nobleman vows to avenge the death of his father at the hands of pirates. To this end he infiltrates the pirate band. Acting in character he is instrumental in the capture of a ship, but things are complicated when he finds that there is a young woman on board whom he wishes to protect from the threat of a fate worse than death. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0016654/
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February 2, 2020 Subject:
Fun And Important Swashbuckler
Thank you for uploading! The Black Pirate is a silent adventure movie about a man who infiltrates a pirate crew to bring justice to the men who killed his father. It features great set pieces and boasts generally high production values, however, apart from the frantic finale, there are only few action sequences. The performances and the stunt work are often great, which is why the movie is very entertaining. Apart from being one of the earliest color movies with a broad release, the movie is still very influential (e.g., the sliding down the sails scene). The plot is rather conventional, and the ending clichéd, but considering its age and impact, The Black Pirate is still very entertaining and fun throughout. Full review on my blog: https://max4movies.blog/2020/02/02/the-black-pirate-us-1926/
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December 24, 2007 Subject:
The Black Pirate
I remember this film with great affection. The entire film was made in two colour technicolor and was very impressive. I saw this in the early 1970s in the cinema so there is a print around
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October 7, 2007 Subject:
good film but no color
I saw this film in college in a film class and there were two scenes I know that were in the two strip color; one of those scenes was when the blck pirate was using his knife on the sails of the ship to get to the deck. No color, gentleman. Don't say so, if its not there. The film's rating is a four stars and the broken promise, no rating. Fix it, please,